Part I – Mayo Clinic: Improving Strategic Supply with Trusted Data

by Innovit Corporate Affairs | December 17, 2020 | Blog

Product Data Standardization for Substitutes Analysis


Healthcare providers are interested in maximizing clinical performance and improving patient experience.  So, choosing the right medical product for a given procedure is critical for caregivers to do their work effectively and deliver the best outcomes for patient wellness.  And while there are indeed products from different suppliers that seem to do the same job from a clinical perspective, clinicians must be assured that these products are truly “clinically‑equivalent” substitutes.  But substitute research can be a painstaking task which invariably takes caregivers away from spending more time with their patients.

For Mayo Clinic, their Supply Chain team needed to deliver two outcomes:

  • provide clinically‑equivalent substitute products when the primary product is not available;
  • reduce cost of supply by identifying substitutes and alternatives at lower prices.

Using Innovit’s PIM, the Mayo team was able to use standardized attributes and trusted product data within their supply chain operations to achieve both goals.

Mayo Clinic recently presented their findings at the GS1 Global Healthcare Summit.  Watch today!
