UDI Reference Center

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Global UDI


Global UDI Reference Center

Global UDI Developments

There is ongoing uncertainty when it comes to Unique Device Identifcation (UDI) regulations and compliance timelines as each country’s regulator continues to change the scope of their UDI implementation. Despite the concerted efforts of  International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF), divergence in UDI policy and strategy is adding complexity for medical device companies to comply with regulatory data submission mandates, especially those with multi-national operations. Fortunately, Innovit is here to to help you navigate these country-specific deadlines and UDI data requirements.

Global UDI Timelines

Your Critical Path to UDI key dates around the world.

Global UDI Map

Your Critical Path to UDI key dates around the world.

Fast Facts


Largest customer submitting 95K+ records to EUDAMED.

35+  SRNs

35+ SRNs registered for largest single Device Manufacturer.

20,000  B-UDI

‘Live’ records submitted to date, including B-UDI, UDI-DI, Legacy, S&PP records. 


7 sites lived and ready for Device Registration.