Case studies
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Hospital system Case Study
CUSTOMER SUCCESS STORY PRODUCT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT (PIM)Medical device manufacturers, suppliers, GPOs and hospitals often manage many thousands of product records in their e-catalogs and item master files, with hundreds of attributes per...
CUSTOMER SUCCESS STORY Master data management solution delivers fast, accurate, error-free data to NPC and other regulatory bodies LifeHealthcare leverages Innovit’s master data management solution to maintain, validate and distribute trusted...
IVDR Case Study
CUSTOMER SUCCESS STORY More than UDI Compliance - Balancing Regulation with Innovation 10,000 products. 150,000 customers. For six decades, this company has provided high-quality products that improve healthcare and advance scientific discovery....
B. Braun Case Study
CUSTOMER SUCCESS STORYWith UDI regulations growing around the globe, B-Braun looked to Innovit for a purpose-built PIM solution to meet UDI data compliance. Braun Medical Inc. (B. Braun) leverages Innovit’s PIM solution and UDI solutions for both...
EUDAMED M2M Testing – An Unexpected Journey!
Innovit leads the pack in M2M testing for Device Registration.
In order to ensure a smooth and effective implementation, the EU Commission is providing its “EUDAMED playground” to test both manual web-based user access, as well as automated M2M (machine‑to‑machine) data exchange for Actor Registration, Device Registration, and Notified Bodies modules.
Three solution providers – including Innovit – were invited to participate in this testing program and were approved to have Access Points setup for testing M2M data exchange with EUDAMED. Find out what we learned!