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Innovit Client Completes M2M Tests with AusUDID and EUDAMED

Innovit Client Completes M2M Tests with AusUDID and EUDAMED

Innovit is thrilled to announce that one of our customers, a global medical device company and leader in new product development and medical education in orthopedics, was the first to successfully complete M2M testing with AusUDID and one of the first to also successfully complete M2M EUDAMED testing.

Introducing Innovit’s EUDAMED Reference Center

As a medical device provider one of the biggest changes on the horizon will be the new EU requirements for product information, as well as the FDA’s GUDID compliance deadline for Class I medical devices.   Even the most experienced companies...

EUDAMED Implementation and Roll-Out Timeline Update

EUDAMED Implementation and Roll-Out Timeline Update

The European Commission recently sent out an update on the plan for implementation and roll-out of EUDAMED, as it stands today. Changes to the implementation timeline of different modules, and how they will affect the application of each aspect of...

FREE Early Access to the EUDAMED Test Environment!

Innovit is Excited to Announce Our Test Environment! To the best of our knowledge, we are the only company offering free access to a EUDAMED testing environment for all medical device manufacturers – helping you stay ahead of the...

EUDAMED: Playground Testing Update

EUDAMED go-live date is still scheduled for May 2022.  In order to ensure a smooth and effective implementation, the EU COM is providing a “EUDAMED playground” available for both manual web‑based user access and an automated M2M...

EUDAMED and GUDID – What’s Changed?

The European Database for Medical Devices (EUDAMED) EU MDR, the European Union’s Medical Device Regulation is intended to support both pre-market product registration processes and post-market surveillance & vigilance activities by national...

EUDAMED: Regulation News & Updates

The European Commission recently announced last November that the new EUDAMED will not launch until May 2022, even as the MDR takes effect in May 2020.  While the delay in EUDAMED certainly give us more time before we must submit information to the...

Is GHX Discontinuing Support for GUDID and EUDAMED?

In September 2019, we witnessed PLM software giant, PTC Windchill, quietly exit the UDI compliance market.  As we ended 2019, several little birds have shared that GHX is slated to phase out support for their UDI Data Submission Service and will...

EUDAMED – Deadlines Updated

The  European Commission recently announced  that the new EUDAMED will not launch until May 2022, even as the MDR takes effect in May 2020.  Given this postponement, we now have the opportunity, and sufficient time, to properly prepare for...

Eudamed: Technical Specifications Update

Keeping up with the evolving medical device regulation and compliance landscape can be challenging, particularly when technical specifications from the EU Commission are repeatedly delayed.  As members of MedTech Europe and Healthcare...

EUDAMED & MDR: Readiness Tips

EUDAMED & MDR: Readiness Tips

With a May 2021 go live date, The European Database for Medical Devices (EUDAMED) will be open to many more groups, including manufacturers, importers and sponsors.  Current estimates are that this covers 70,000+ individual organizations and over...