Exciting News – Innovit Accepted into Medtech Europe!

by Innovit Corporate Affairs | April 15, 2019 | Blog

Innovit, a global MDM and PIM solutions, has been accepted into Medtech Europe and the Medtech Europe Corporate Council as a corporate associate member. The Council is an invitation-only community representing In-Vitro Diagnostics and Medical Devices manufacturers operating in Europe.


Innovit was selected by a review committee, after an extended assessment process, based on the depth of its expertise and experience.


“MedTech Europe engages with EU regulators, politicians and other decision-makers to help shape policies to promote innovation for our growing healthcare needs and expectations.  We’re honored to join this exclusive community of industry thought leaders and decision makers,” said Bang Chau, VP of Business Development.


As an accepted member of the Council, Innovit will have access to a variety of opportunities designed to help influence regulatory and compliance issues facing the medical and healthcare communities. Finally, Innovit will benefit from a strong industry presence at a global level; MedTech Europe can provide the European voice at the appropriate forums.


“We’re so pleased to be asked to join Medtech Europe and its rich industry community,” stated Mr. Chau. “We intend to participate as fully as possible to raise awareness of what we are building at Innovit, and to continue raising the importance of master data management and product information management for the healthcare industry.”
