The Global Data Synchronization Network (GDSN) enables medical products suppliers to exchange high-quality product and pricing information across a network of data pools that use GS1 data synchronization standards. Suppliers in the Healthcare supply chain, whether manufacturers or distributors, can share product information with their trading partners to drive efficiencies and cost reduction in supply chain logistics and inventory management. This ultimately benefits all parties by reducing errors rates in tenders & contracting; processing orders, invoices and payments; and reduces ‘never events’ in delivering patient care.
Innovit’s GDSN Multi-Connector overcomes these challenges by allowing suppliers to implement a single “global” system, that is fully integrated with internal systems, for publishing product data to multiple data pools concurrently. This helps reduce operating costs and improve data consistency across a supplier’s business units around the globe by replacing the multitude of individual “connectors”, one for each country, with a single, global GDSN solution that validates, converts and publishes product data to many target markets.
The Customer


  • Fragmentation of product attributes across many business systems
  • Variability of product data requirements across different target markets and trading partners (at both country-level and customer-level)
  • Lack of full interoperability between data pools to support local data requirements (for example, NPC and ECCnet are not connected to other data pools like atrify, 1WorldSync, Syndigo)
  • Inability to keep up with ongoing changes to GDSN standards (new/changed attributes, data validation rules, and valid code lists)
  • Individual and siloed solutions for different data pools at the country or regional level (for example, one solution for NPC, another for atrify/GHX, another for 1WorldSync etc.)

Innovit’s GDSN Multi-Connector delivers item and price data reliably to trading partners across different target markets using GS1 data standards.

Innovit’s GDSN Multi-Connector is an integrated suite of machine-to-machine (M2M) connectors for publishing product data using GS1 Standards. Each GDSN Connector within the Multi-Connector suite is certified for its corresponding data pool, including 1WorldSync, atrify, FSEnet (Syndigo), GHX, TrueSource, DAS and NPC. This ‘out-of-the-box’ system is pre-packaged with all of the attributes, valid code lists, and validation rules, which is required for the relevant data pools and target markets. Innovit’s GDSN Multi-Connector also automates the publication of item and price data in the specific data exchange format and messaging protocol of each data pool (for example, GS1 XML, 1WorldSync XML). A complete history of message exchange is also stored in Innovit’s solution to provide suppliers with full visibility and traceability of their data syndication activities with trading partners.


Data Import Import templates for data consolidation
Data Maintenance Pre-configured GDSN attributes and code lists
  Pre-configured GDSN attribute validation rules
  Centralized item, GTIN hierarchy and price maintenance
  Powerful keyword and parametric search
  Visual item compare and merge
Data Governance Global and local GDSN attribute validations
Worfklow processes for data enrichment and approval
  Granular role-based security
  Audit trail for data and message exchange history
Target Markets North America (United States)
Europe (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands)
Asia Pacific (Australia, New Zealand)
Data Pools 1WorldSync
NPC (National Product Catalog)


  • Publish trusted item and price data to trading partners
  • Achieve GDSN compliance for both global and local data requirements
  • Enhance data quality and consistency
  • Improve trading partner collaboration and supply chain efficiency
  • Reduce costs for sales admin and outbound logistics to customers
  • Cloud-hosted – reduce IT infrastructure management costs