Datasheets | Multi connector | MDR Connector | Capability Highlights | Benefits
- Fragmentation of product attributes across many business systems
- Variability of product data requirements across different target markets and trading partners (at both country-level and customer-level)
- Lack of full interoperability between data pools to support local data requirements (for example, NPC and ECCnet are not connected to other data pools like atrify, 1WorldSync, Syndigo)
- Inability to keep up with ongoing changes to GDSN standards (new/changed attributes, data validation rules, and valid code lists)
- Individual and siloed solutions for different data pools at the country or regional level (for example, one solution for NPC, another for atrify/GHX, another for 1WorldSync etc.)
“Innovit’s GDSN Multi-Connector delivers item and price data reliably to trading partners across different target markets using GS1 data standards.”
Innovit’s GDSN Multi-Connector is an integrated suite of machine-to-machine (M2M) connectors for publishing product data using GS1 Standards. Each GDSN Connector within the Multi-Connector suite is certified for its corresponding data pool, including 1WorldSync, atrify, FSEnet (Syndigo), GHX, TrueSource, DAS and NPC. This ‘out-of-the-box’ system is pre-packaged with all of the attributes, valid code lists, and validation rules, which is required for the relevant data pools and target markets. Innovit’s GDSN Multi-Connector also automates the publication of item and price data in the specific data exchange format and messaging protocol of each data pool (for example, GS1 XML, 1WorldSync XML). A complete history of message exchange is also stored in Innovit’s solution to provide suppliers with full visibility and traceability of their data syndication activities with trading partners.
Data Import | Import templates for data consolidation |
Data Maintenance | Pre-configured GDSN attributes and code lists |
Pre-configured GDSN attribute validation rules | |
Centralized item, GTIN hierarchy and price maintenance | |
Powerful keyword and parametric search | |
Visual item compare and merge | |
Data Governance | Global and local GDSN attribute validations |
Worfklow processes for data enrichment and approval | |
Granular role-based security | |
Audit trail for data and message exchange history | |
Target Markets | North America (United States) |
Europe (United Kingdom, Germany, France, Netherlands) | |
Asia Pacific (Australia, New Zealand) | |
Data Pools | 1WorldSync |
Atrify | |
DAS | |
TrueSource | |
GHX | |
FSEnet | |
NPC (National Product Catalog) |
- Publish trusted item and price data to trading partners
- Achieve GDSN compliance for both global and local data requirements
- Enhance data quality and consistency
- Improve trading partner collaboration and supply chain efficiency
- Reduce costs for sales admin and outbound logistics to customers
- Cloud-hosted – reduce IT infrastructure management costs