Innovit NPI Workflow
Innovit NPI Workflow is a platform for managing processes that involve multiple steps and stakeholders such as New Product Development (NPD) and New Product Introduction (NPI). These processes are defined by activities that require collaboration between many people across different departments before the product goes into production. Innovit’s NPI workflow management solution orchestrates the collection, validation and transfer of product data across multiple stakeholders to ensure each product is delivered to the customer in-full, on-time and on-spec.
Innovit NPI Workflow is an enterprise-wide software application developed using standards-based Java and Web Services technologies. The architecture is designed for distributed processing that allows master data to be managed and exchanged collaboratively, across both intranet environments and the Internet.
“Innovit Workflow Management automates cross division collaboration to launch products on-time.”
Innovit NPI Workflow (v2.3) application offers platform independence across all major database, operating system, web & application server and browser platforms.
Operating System | Any operating system that supports Java, including: Windows (Vista, 7, 8.1, 10), Windows Server (2008R2 – 2012R2) – Server systems must be 64-bit Windows, RHEL Linux 5 or later (or equivalent), Solaris 10 or later. |
Database Management System (DBMS) | Any JDBC compliant: Oracle 10g-11g, DB2 9.x, SQL Server 2008-2014 |
Web and Application Server | JBoss 5.1 |
Web Browsers | Internet Explorer version 9, 10, 11 Chrome version from 35.0.1916 – 53.0.2785 Firefox versions from 32 – 48 |
Java Virtual Machine | SUN Java Runtime Environment (JRE) v8 or later |
System RAM | 6.0GB (Workflow Server), 2.0GB (Workflow Client) |
Hard Disk Storage | Network Protocol TCP/IP, HTTP/HTTPS and FTP/SFTP (for external data synchronization) |
CPU | Intel Xeon 5 2.4GHz or higher; Any current RISC platform supporting Unix or Linux |
Network Protocol | TCP/IP (client and server), HTTPS and FTP (for external data synchronization) |