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Introducing MDM.Cloud

We’re excited to introduce you to Innovit’s next-generation solution, for the Australian market! Current iICE Validator customers can take advantage of our system upgrade NOW! for NPC was initially created for...

Point of Care Scanning at Hospitals – Why Trusted Data is Key

Point of Care Scanning at Hospitals – Why Trusted Data is Key

Healthcare providers are increasingly putting emphasis on a patient-centric approach to care delivery.  From ensuring patient safety to providing quality care at an affordable cost, care providers have embraced healthcare information technologies...

How to Use CPG Data to Win Customers and Influence Sales

If you want to get more people to choose your brand over another brand, there are ways to make data-driven decisions that gain customers. Paying attention to old data isn't going to provide the results you want. You need real-time data to get the...

How PIM and MDM Can Help Regional Grocery Stores Succeed

Half of Americans are avoiding the grocery store entirely and purchasing their goods online. That percentage is expected to increase in 2018. With more consumers turning to the internet and delivery services for their groceries, it's no wonder why...

The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Data Management Strategy

The Ultimate Guide to the Ultimate Data Management Strategy

Nearly 75 percent of leaders say data-driven efforts have helped them boost their customer engagement. In today's digital age, data is being generated quite literally at the speed of light. These days, information moves as fast as the electrons...

10 Things You Need to Know About the Data Management Process

10 Things You Need to Know About the Data Management Process

Effective data management keeps your business running like a well-oiled machine. Do you have a data management system in place? If you don't, it's time you did. But where do you start? First, you need to understand some basic things about the data...

How Master Data Management Applies to Your Business

How Master Data Management Applies to Your Business

Across the country, bad data is an epidemic that costs companies nearly $3 billion a year in lost revenue or missed opportunities. If you're not managing your data appropriately, you're going to drop some leads, miss some payments, or even...

MDM Done Right: 9 Master Data Management Best Practices

MDM Done Right: 9 Master Data Management Best Practices

Understanding the many ways data can help your business grow is not the same as knowing how to gather and store data correctly. Lots of decision makers often leave the latter to other people. Instead of managing data themselves, they outsource to...

MDM Implementation Styles: An Overview

MDM Implementation Styles: An Overview

Not sure what the best strategy for master data management implementation is for your business? Check out this guide to learn more about MDM implementation styles.

5 Features of An Effective Master Data Management Tool

5 Features of An Effective Master Data Management Tool

Master Data Management helps optimize business performance, keep client data secure, maximize sales and increase brand awareness. Most offer specific features for certain industries, business sizes, and budgets. Here's what we think are key things...

5 Tips for Improving Data Quality and Consistency

5 Tips for Improving Data Quality and Consistency

Have you been thinking about improving data quality? There's no question about it: data quality matters. Your data doesn't just exist for the sake of existing: it's crucial for the success of your organization. The data can help put you above the...

MDM – A Beginner’s Guide

MDM – A Beginner’s Guide

With more consumers going online to shop, companies are turning to data for guidance. Data about customers, market trends, and product performance are vital to companies. But companies are relying on spreadsheets and human labor to analyze their...

5 Data Management Best Practices You Should Know

5 Data Management Best Practices You Should Know

If you're in the business of marketing, you've probably got a lot on your mind each day when you get to work. There's always something to be doing. But in the jumble of daily to-dos, don't forget the importance of data management. No matter the...

The Importance of Healthcare Data Management

The Importance of Healthcare Data Management

Healthcare data management is an essential part of working in the industry. You're not only legally obligated to manage patient healthcare. Patients' health outcomes often depend on your ability translate, store, and transmit records properly....

Cloud MDM: 5 Key Benefits

Cloud MDM: 5 Key Benefits

According to Forbes, cloud computing is projected to increase from $67 billion in 2015 to $162 billion in 2020. Cloud MDM (master data management) is not new to businesses anymore. People are using the cloud for data. It helps businesses stay...

How Master Data Management Can Save You Time and Money

How Master Data Management Can Save You Time and Money

Master Data Management has traditionally been seen as an expensive but necessary evil. But over the past few years, the development of Master Data Management strategy has meant it has become more affordable and more able to save your business time...

Solving Data Silo Headaches with MDM and PIM

Solving Data Silo Headaches with MDM and PIM

Whether you’re a company of 500 or 5000, we’ll wager that you’ve experienced the challenges of work related silos and their inevitable issues on the company’s people and processes.  Leaders are focused on their specific agendas, various groups form...

Millennial Madness & The Omni Channel Experience: Key Insights

Millennial Madness & The Omni Channel Experience: Key Insights

Here’s some millennial math.  The millennial generation - children born between 1982 and 2002 – are now some 81 million children who have taken over K-12, entered college and the workforce. Millennials have surpassed baby boomers as the largest...

Demystifying MDM – 3 Myths to Ditch Right Now

Demystifying MDM – 3 Myths to Ditch Right Now

Data Management.  Data Governance.  Data Intelligence.  Data Warehousing.  Data Mining.  Big Data.  Little Data.  Master Data.  Product Data.  No doubt you’ve read the terms, taglines and acronyms surrounding ‘Data.’  It’s confusing, conflicting...