Let us help you on the path to UDI Compliance for FDA with Innovit’s GUDID Reference Center

by Innovit Corporate Affairs | March 24, 2022 | Blog

Are you preparing for the FDA’s enforcement of UDI labeling and GUDID (Global Unique Device Identification Database) data submission requirements for Class I and unclassified devices, coming up in September 2022? 

Your company should start to aggregate, validate and submit your regulatory data for Class I medical devices — today!

Innovit is here to help you on the path to UDI compliance and we’re ready to help you prepare to meet the GUDID deadline of September 24, 2022. 

We’re thrilled to announce Innovit’s GUDID Reference Center – Your one-stop knowledge center comprising all of the documentation and training videos necessary to successfully prepare for, and comply with GUDID.  Here you can find:


So bookmark this page as your launch pad to find ‘everything you need to know’ about GUDID and your quest for compliance.

In addition to our new GUDID Reference Center, Innovit has the following additional tools to assist as you strive for compliance:

  • GUDID.cloud — the most cost-effective solution, complete with all the UDI knowledge, tools and expertise needed to help you prepare your UDI data for GUDID data submission and compliance.
  • The GUDID FAQ eBook for Compliance – A comprehensive eBook intended to serve as a reference tool and mini-guidebook to help your team navigate the complexities of GUDID (Global Unique Device Identification Database).


Innovit is here to support you with all the information and tools you need to meet evolving European Medical Device Regulations (MDR) and GUDID compliance. 
