UDI Reference Center

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Global UDI


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GUDID Reference Center

Get started on your Class l device registration today!

The FDA’s GUDID compliance deadline of December 8, 2022 for Class I and unclassified medical devices has now passed! Time certainly flies – and even with the postponement of the FDA’s enforcement date for UDI labeling and GUDID data submission requirements – the time to comply is now!  Is your company prepared to aggregate, validate and submit your regulatory data for your Class I medical devices? Innovit has you covered, with all the information and tools you require today, to meet evolving Unique Device Identifier (UDI) and GUDID compliance. So bookmark this page as your launch pad to find everything you ‘need to know’ about GUDID and your need for compliance.

What is

The Global Unique Device Identification Database (GUDID) is a system administered by the FDA that will serve as a reference catalog for every medical device.

Device Registration

Your answers for registering devices on the FDA’s Unique Device Identification (UDI) system.


Your very own playground environment to gather, validate and test the submission of device registration data for GUDID compliance.

FDA GUDID Technical

Download you Technical Specifications, Business Rules & guids for preparing your product master data for GUDID submission

Coming Soon!

FDA UDI Regulations
Documents & Guidance

Read the latest communications and guidance from FDA regarding UDI regulatins and GUDID data compliance.

Coming Soon!